President Chris Inaugural Meeting

Last week was Chris first meeting as President of RCM. President Chris also announced the new board members as follows:

President:                                   Chris Stephens

Vice President:                           Val Webb

President Elect 19/20:                Ross Hearne

Secretary:                                   Ross Hearne

Treasurer:                                    Bob Colley

Administration:                           Graham Taylor

International:                             Maurice Webb

Rotary Foundation:                    Bob Stanley

Community:                               Peter Brennan

Youth, Membership:                  Des Dowdy

On the occasion, club members celebrated Elly’s birthday.

Julianne made a last presentation at our club before returning home. Julianne showed many places around Australia that she had visited as part of Rotary Youth Exchange Program.

President Chris thanked Julianne and presented Julianne a small gift on behalf of the club.