Market Street Park Project: – Jan discussed and club to visit after Easter.
Sunrise Breakfast Meeting: Rotarians thank council for their donation to the Carol Evening. Attending. Jan & Paul O’Brien, Des Dowdy, Bob & Robyn Kearins.
Overseas Students: We are to receive a Danish Student, Pernille Christiansen, age 16. We are looking for Host Families, please contact Des Dowdy if you are available or know someone, not necessarily a Rotarian; we need at least two families with children at Mudgee High.
Club Visit: Peter Windeyer has organised a club visit to the PCYC next week, 31st March at 6;30pm at PCYC. Dinner afterwards at the Thai restaurant. Partners are most welcomed.
National Disability Coordinator has asked our club to man a BBQ for school and communication day on the 19th May 2015.
Movies inc. Youth Movies: Please respond directly to Larry Wilkinson if you can help at the two Youth movie nights. Normal Movie response is to be done on email sent out.
District 9670 Rotary Conference 2016 will be held in Mudgee on 4, 5 6th March 2016. We have a request to provide accommodation for two nights for 15 students. If you have any spare room this would help – we will share this with the Sunrise Club.
Golf Day: 26 April, Help is required.